For the first in decades, we have a generational opportunity to lay claim… On May 15, 2002, President Bush signed legislation called the No FEAR Act (Notification and Federal Anti-Discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002). This act, which took effect on October 1, 2003, makes Federal agencies individually accountable for violations of anti-discrimination and whistleblower protection laws. The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. National Technical Information Services uses government-sponsored research to help businesses.
The non-profit groups compete for a limited number of MDCP awards by proposing innovative projects that generate exports that create or sustain U.S. jobs. Industry groups pledge to pay a minimum of two-thirds of the project cost and to sustain the project after the MDCP award period ends. The Office of the Secretary is the general management arm of the Department and provides the principal support to the Secretary in formulating policy and in providing advice to the President. It provides program leadership for the Department’s functions and exercises general supervision over the operating units. It also directly carries out program functions as may be assigned by the Secretary, and provides, as determined to be more economic or efficient, administrative and other support services for designated operating units. The Department of Commerce’s mission is to create the conditions for economic growth and opportunity for all communities.
U.S. Department of Commerce
This Agreement promotes the management of the DNS in a manner that will permit market mechanisms to support competition and consumer choice in the technical management of the DNS. This competition will lower costs, promote innovation, and enhance user choice and satisfaction. This Agreement promotes the stability of the Internet and allows the Parties to plan for a deliberate move from the existing structure to a private-sector structure without disruption to the functioning of the DNS. The Agreement calls for the design, development, and testing of a new management system that will not harm current functional operations. DOC has determined that this project can be done most effectively with the participation of ICANN. ICANN has a stated purpose to perform the described coordinating functions for Internet names and addresses and is the organization that best demonstrated that it can accommodate the broad and diverse interest groups that make up the Internet community.
Among the best-known are the National Income and Production Accounts, which include the gross domestic product. The U.S. Patent and Trade Office is also mandated by the Constitution. It keeps track of new inventions and discoveries, as well as who has the right to profit from them over a given period. It also enforces and promotes intellectual property rights around the world. Herbert Hoover was appointed Secretary of Commerce in 1921 by then-President Warren G. Harding. Hoover was, by far, the most active secretary in the history of the department until the end of his position in 1928.
FACT SHEET: 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy – US Department of Commerce
FACT SHEET: 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy.
Posted: Mon, 06 Jun 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Consistent with privacy and security considerations, Commerce is firmly committed to unleashing its untapped data resources in ways that best support downstream information access, processing, analytics, and dissemination. Improve government, business, and community decisions and knowledge by transforming Department data capabilities and supporting a data-enabled economy. Effective policy and management of human activities, based on strong science, partnerships, and technology, are essential to sustain healthy ocean resources, habitats, ecosystems and coastal communities. The Department has strong legislative mandates and a pivotal role in sustaining marine fisheries and ecosystems, protecting sensitive areas and cultural heritage, and limiting the consequences of cumulative impacts.
Is my project eligible?
As the only federal government agency focused exclusively on economic development, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration plays a critical role in facilitating regional economic development efforts in communities across the nation. Guided by the basic principle that sustainable economic development should be locally-driven, EDA works directly with communities and regions to help them build the capacity for economic development based on local business conditions and needs. EDA’s grant investments in planning, technical assistance, and infrastructure construction are designed to leverage existing regional assets to support the implementation of economic development strategies that make it easier for businesses to start and grow.
Avocados From Mexico® Announces Strategic Restructuring and … – PR Newswire
Avocados From Mexico® Announces Strategic Restructuring and ….
Posted: Thu, 02 Mar 2023 13:05:00 GMT [source]
The means to these ends will be building on a strong scientific foundation and decades of engagement with interagency, academic, and private sector partners. Recognizing the important role of exports to the U.S. economy, President Obama announced the National Export Initiative in 2010. U.S. exports have increased steadily since the launch of this initiative, reaching a record $2.2 trillion in 2012. U.S. firms under-export compared to competitor industrialized nations. Of the U.S. companies that do export merchandise, 58 percent export to only one market.
Department of Commerce Handbooks and Manuals
Later in 2023, the CHIPS Program Office will release separate funding opportunities for semiconductor materials and manufacturing equipment facilities, and for R&D facilities. These investments will be key to restoring U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, supporting good-paying jobs across the semiconductor supply chain, and advancing U.S. economic and national security. Semiconductors, or chips, are tiny electronic devices that are integral to America’s economic and national security. These devices power tools as simple as a light switch and as complex as a fighter jet or a smartphone. Semiconductors power our consumer electronics, automobiles, data centers, critical infrastructure, and virtually all military systems.
The Office of the Under Secretary promotes the mission and strategic goals of the agency. Before the termination of this Agreement, the Parties will collaborate on a DNS Project Report that will document ICANN’s test of the policies and procedures designed and developed pursuant to this Agreement. Both DOC and ICANN have a mutual interest in a transition that ensures that future technical management of the DNS adheres to the principles of stability, competition, coordination, and representation as published in the Statement of Policy.
EDA Regional Office Structure
The Nation is becoming more dependent on prediction capabilities. Industries are demanding more weather information to make informed business decisions. American communities must position themselves to compete in the new economy.
Severe weather can lead to massive traffic jams, stranded vehicles, and shutdowns of airports, mass transit systems, roads, schools, and businesses. It prompted the issuance of states of emergency declarations in major cities across the Northeast during the winter of 2015. Shutdown of air and sea transportation routes, construction delays, and the late deliveries of goods and services, impact the wages and the economic health of our nation in both the short and long term. Our business customers will be the first beneficiaries of this process. But the 90,000 governmental entities and nearly 320 million Americans that we serve will benefit from the new data products and services that are fueled by our efforts. Businesses, governments, and the public at large will benefit from the enhanced value of our data products and services and from the resultant savings.
I&A makes data, analytical tools, and market intelligence easily accessible to external decision-makers in the private sector and in government. I&A also works directly with the private sector to create programs and design policies that help U.S. firms compete in a global marketplace. The Department plays a central role in providing the foundation critical to the growth of high-value, innovative economic sectors. NIST’s measurement science expertise creates the infrastructure necessary to measure the performance and quality of products and services.
Contact Us for Export Assistance
U.S. businesses benefit from growing overseas markets that have transparent legal systems and fair regulations. CLDP’s work to help countries increase compliance with international and bilateral trade obligations levels the playing field for U.S. businesses to compete. Simultaneously, CLDP serves as a technical assistance catalyst to help developing countries make the reforms they seek to modernize the laws and regulations that will lead to economic growth and opportunity. The USPTO advises the president of the United States, the secretary of commerce, and U.S. government agencies on intellectual property policy, protection, and enforcement; and promotes the stronger and more effective IP protection around the world. The USPTO furthers effective IP protection for U.S. innovators and entrepreneurs worldwide by working with other agencies to secure strong IP provisions in free trade and other international agreements. It also provides training, education, and capacity building programs designed to foster respect for IP and encourage the development of strong IP enforcement regimes by U.S. trading partners.
But the commercial and economic rewards that emerge from these accomplishments are primarily realized only after discovery—especially at the points of manufacturing scale-up and commercialization. This is particularly true for complex, cost-efficient, high-value-added products whose commercialization requires development and mastery of equally complex manufacturing processes. The Department of Commerce creates the conditions for economic growth and opportunity. The National Travel and Tourism Office is the official U.S. government source for travel and tourism statistics.
- It houses FirstNet which is charged with building a nationwide wireless broadband network for public safety users.
- Upon its transfer to the Department of Commerce and Labor, it was reorganized and renamed the United States Bureau of Fisheries.
- The announcements include executives experienced in large-scale program management, finance…
- In 1966, the Bureau of Public Roads was transferred to the newly created Department of Transportation.
The of Commerce collects, stores, and analyzes a treasure trove of data, including data on the economy, our population, and our environment. This data is fundamental to our mission and is used for the protection of life and property and to enhance economic growth. However, the capacity to analyze and disseminate all that data is significantly constrained.